English ver.


Message to students

The research fields of our lab are urban and built environmental engineering. Our lab belongs to Department of Architecture and Building Engineering, School of Environment and Society in Tokyo Tech. Final goal of our research fields are realizing comfortable and healthy cities and buildings with less energy use.

In order to conduct researches in our lab, students are recommended to have abilities and knowledge of physics and mathematics for urban and built environments (i.e. building physics, heat transfer, fluid dynamics, statistical analysis). We conduct researches for supporting building design and urban planning from the perspective of environmental engineering. This means we don’t conduct researches of building design, landscape, and urban planning directly. What we do are collecting quantitative data and knowledge that are useful to environmental design and planning, and developing tools for supporting the design processes. These are important roles of environmental engineering. We have four main research topics as shown below. The research papers can be referred from this page

Remote sensing

We are clarifying actural urban environments by using airborne and terrestrial remote sensings.

Keywords: LiDAR, Multi-spectral remote sensing, Spectro-radiometer

Thermal environment simulation

We are clarifying mechanizms and characteristics of thermal environment for buildings and cities by using computer simulations.

Keywords: 3D CAD, Energy balance simulation, CFD, Coupled simulation

Effect of urban greening

How does “Green” make comfortable urban and built environments? To answer this question, we do several reseaerches with experiment, field observation, and numerical simulation.

Keywords: Transpiration, Whole-tree energy balance, Leaf area density

Passive design

We conduct several researches for controling indoor climate with passive desing and outdoor microclimate.

Keywords: Ventilative cooling, PCM (Phase Change Material), Thermal comfort, Microclimate